54º Congresso nazionale AIB

Le politiche delle biblioteche in Italia
Il sistema bibliotecario nazionale

Firenze, Palazzo dei Congressi
6–8 novembre 2007

Programma  =  Programme [EN]

Comitato scientifico


Bibliocom 2007

Annuncio, 2007-01-26

Iscrizioni (entro 2007-10-24) [RTF 87 k]

Accoglienza e alberghi

Sede del Congresso [Firenze fiera]

Come arrivare [Firenze fiera]

In June 2006 the new German legal deposit law was set in force with two main specific issues added to the former law: the collection task of the depository library was enlarged to online publications, and the name of  'Die Deutsche Bibliothek'  so far was changed to  'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek'  (German National Library).

What is the general role and history of the German National Library? What kind of new challenges came along with the new legal deposit law?

Respecting these challenges – how does the German National Library cooperate with other German libraries within the library system in Germany? What are the cooperations with libraries and other institutions abroad?

Which kind of benefit for users on the one hand and for libraries on the other derives from that cooperative library system?

Answering these questions the presentation will give an overview on the organisation of the German library system and the specific tasks of the German National Library within this network and within an international community.

[Testo completo non disponibile]

Copyright AIB 2007-10-14, a cura della Redazione AIB-WEB.
URL: <https://www.aib.it/aib/congr/c54/ed-s.htm3>