[AIB]AIB Notizie 8/2001
AIB-WEB | AIB Notizie | Sommario fascicolo 8/2001

Greetings to Italia!

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

it is my sincere pleasure that the organisers of Bibliocom 2001 have given me the opportunity to address you with few words at this opening meeting.
On behalf of the International Association of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) I convey to you the greetings of its Governing Board and Headquarters Staff. The international professional library and information community is continuously working meeting the enormous challenges of the modern society: free access to information and fair dealing when information is being traded! Of course this holds for the rich and the poor parts of the world!
I would like to wish all participants at this conference, which fortunately is being held under the auspices of IFLA, very fruitiful, and ever so pleasant meeings!

Christine Deschamps
IFLA'S President

Greetings to Italia!. «AIB Notizie», 13 (2001), n. 8, p. 1.
Copyright AIB, ultimo aggiornamento 2001-09-14 a cura di Franco Nasella
URL: https://www.aib.it/aib/editoria/n13/01-09deschamps.htm

AIB-WEB | AIB Notizie | Sommario fascicolo 8/2001