IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2014. Satellite meeting

Il 13-14 agosto 2014 a Torino presso GAM – Galleria d’arte moderna, Corso Galileo Ferraris 30 – Via Magenta, 31 si svolgerà il Satellite Meeting dell’ IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2014 (Lyon 16-22 Agosto) dal titolo Theory and research on the convergence of professional identity in cultural heritage institutions (Libraries, Museums, and Archives) beyond technology.

Organizzatori dell’evento: IFLA Library theory and research section, AIB Piemonte, ALISE, EUCLID, Città di Torino, Biblioteche Civiche torinesi.

Abstract (Eng)
One implication of the digitalization of information resources for cultural heritage organizations and memory institutions such as libraries, archives, and museums (LAM) is an increase in the confluence of skills needed by professionals in all three institutions. More and more of the work of these professionals are overlapping in their use of digital applications to provide better services.
The IFLA Satellite meeting to be held in Turin, Italy just prior to the IFLA 2014 conference in Lyon, France, will explore the theories relating to user services provided in libraries, archives, and museums and the strengths and the theoretical foundations for the convergence of educational programs for culturally competent professionals working in these institutions. Applied and empirical research results of both successful and not successful experiences to achieve the convergence of education and the expansion of services of these three institutions will also be considered. The goal of the Satellite Meeting will be to establish a community of researchers and practitioners who will further the design and delivery of education and services in these three professions and develop the potential for international partnerships to support these services.
Such research will improve the design and delivery of library services, as well as the potential for international partnerships designed to support further collaborative research in this area and is an opportunity to explore and discuss research findings related to the convergence of libraries, archives and museums, including the factors that influence convergence decisions, the professional strengths and organizational missions that promote and impede successful collaboration, and the theoretical concepts that suggest that these institutions can create value by working together as they pursue their shared responsibilities as cultural heritage institutions in the digital age.

Per il programma e le altre informazioni si rimanda al sito web dell’evento. Sono previste tariffe ridotte per i soci AIB, ANAI e ICOM.